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happy st. patrick's day 2019! 2019-03-17 20:33 UTC
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I don't do a lot of holiday-ish posts here, and probably won't make a habit of it, but I've been thinking about Ireland a bunch recently. I'm not a lot Irish - I think like 25%. My Dad's mother was half northern/protestant ("Verner") and half catholic ("O'Neill"). My great grandmother the O'Neill was born in South Carolina, raised catholic, but switched to episcopalian at some point. Anyway, to celebrate, here's a picture of the "Red Hand of O'Neill" that I stole from wikipedia:

(this is more frequently called the "Red Hand of Ulster" and its origin is controversial - here in Texas, I think I can comfortably and safely sit on the O'Neill side of the debate :) )
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US voting day! 2018-11-06 13:45 UTC
I was thinking I would post about radiation and chemo therapy, but it's voting day in the US, and that's much more important. I thought about how I could stress the importance of showing up to vote, but there's no way I can say it better than Seth Godin did today on his blog. Here's part of what he said:


We're being played, manipulated and pushed around. It's important to not fall for it.

Here's the simple math:

If you're tempted to not vote because of the vitriol or the imperfect nature of the choices, then you're supporting a downward cycle, in which the candidate who best suppresses voter turnout of the opponent's backer wins.

On the other hand, if you always vote for the least-bad option, then a forward cycle will kick in, in which candidates (and their consultants and backers, who are also causing this problem) will realize that always being a little less bad than the other guy is a winning strategy. Which leads to a virtuous cycle in the right direction.

Don't get tricked. Show up.


here's a link to his full post. I'll go back to cancer posts starting tomorrow :)

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... 2016-11-10 13:58 UTC
It was pretty easy to see social media taking on the function of the traditional media. But was it as easy to see the traditional media taking on the function of social media?
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wut 2014-05-15 19:05 UTC

why are these notices so frequently in men's rooms?
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kickstarter lawsuit 2014-05-02 15:05 UTC
maybe the first kickstarter lawsuit. Yikes! Let's not sue John K, OK?
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